O presente artigo trata de um assunto bastante discutido na atualidade que é a ressocialização do preso no Brasil e suas consequências para a sociedade, isto porque, a pena restritiva de liberdade entre outras funções visa à ressocialização do preso para que este possa ser reintegrado à sociedade. Contudo, o que se verifica na prática é que as prisões não ressocializam, pelo contrário, acarretam sobre a pessoa do encarcerado inúmeros efeitos negativos, os quais contribuem para permanência deste na criminalidade. Os presos, em geral, saem da prisão piores do que entraram, e inseridos novamente na sociedade, voltam a delinquir. A falência do sistema prisional brasileiro contribuiu para o surgimento de várias sociedades paralelas dentro das prisões. A atuação destas organizações criminosas dentro das prisões brasileiras traz graves consequências à sociedade, pois esta sofre com o aumento da criminalidade. Convém destacar que, apesar das falhas existentes no atual sistema penitenciário brasileiro, a progressão de regime é um importante mecanismo para a ressocialização do apenado. No entanto, é imprescindível que o sistema carcerário seja urgentemente reformado, pois a ressocialização (recuperação) do apenado só será possível com a implementação de um sistema prisional racional e humano.
This article is a subject fairly discussed today which is the resocialization prisoner in Brazil and its consequences for society, this is because, the sentence restrictive of freedom among other functions aims to resocialization prisoner to be reinstated to the society. However, what happens in practice is that prisons not ressocializa, on the contrary, brings about the person of imprisoned many negative effects, which contribute to stay this offence. The prisoners, in General, leaving the prison worse than entered, and re-entered in society are delinquency. The bankruptcy of the Brazilian prison system contributed to the emergence of multiple parallel societies within prisons. The presence of these offence organisations within the Brazilian prisons behind serious consequences to society, because it suffers from the increase in offence. It should be stressed that, despite the flaws exist in current Brazilian penitentiary system, progression scheme is an important mechanism for the resocialization of imprisoned. However, it is vital that the system's prison is urgently reformed, because resocialization (recovery) of apenado will only be possible with the implementation of a rational and humane prison system.
Descriptors: 1 - Punishment. 2 - Resocialization. 3 - Society.
This article is a subject fairly discussed today which is the resocialization prisoner in Brazil and its consequences for society, this is because, the sentence restrictive of freedom among other functions aims to resocialization prisoner to be reinstated to the society. However, what happens in practice is that prisons not ressocializa, on the contrary, brings about the person of imprisoned many negative effects, which contribute to stay this offence. The prisoners, in General, leaving the prison worse than entered, and re-entered in society are delinquency. The bankruptcy of the Brazilian prison system contributed to the emergence of multiple parallel societies within prisons. The presence of these offence organisations within the Brazilian prisons behind serious consequences to society, because it suffers from the increase in offence. It should be stressed that, despite the flaws exist in current Brazilian penitentiary system, progression scheme is an important mechanism for the resocialization of imprisoned. However, it is vital that the system's prison is urgently reformed, because resocialization (recovery) of apenado will only be possible with the implementation of a rational and humane prison system.
Descriptors: 1 - Punishment. 2 - Resocialization. 3 - Society.